Tuesday, December 24, 2013

His Turn?

              It's that time of year again! That time when we Christians celebrate Judaism's greatest gift, the blessing of God's only begotten son, our Savior, Jesus 'the Christ.'  It has been more than two millennia since He was made man to manifest The Holy Spirit within each of us. Whether Jew or Gentile, Muslim, Christian, heathen, atheist or saint, His Love has touched us all in one way or another and brought the good news that we can be Redeemed from our assorted and sordid histories.

While there can be no doubt that evil is more present, more apparent and pervasive than ever, for me one thing is certain; God is Lord. Christ is King. And, above all, His Spirit shall prevail.

For thousands of years, men have chosen to perpetrate lies and deceptions, to inflict suffering, poverty, war, disease and destruction upon our own kind and all kind for any and every reason. But, if God's truth be known and the laws of the universe accepted, at some point in the very near future all of this will surely end. Whether you are a 'Creationist,' 'Evolutionist,' atheist, or you are of any religious ilk, there is one principal to which all things in the physical world are subject. It is that, "everything seeks to achieve equilibrium (balance)." It is written in every great Theosophical tome, mathematical theory and scientific formula. This was so in Moses' time, Jesus' time, Mohammed's time, Gautama's time, Galileo's time, Einstein's time and it is still so in this time. What hangs in that 'balance' is God's Peace and the fate of all Humanity.

In the human equation, given all that there is and has been in this world for all of recorded history (including all of the above stated), what lies before us is the possibility of a world filled with Love, Joy, Prosperity and Wellness without hunger, without poverty, without disease, without violence, or anything that looks like that which has always been.  What is left for us as 'Human-kind' (heavy emphasis on the 'kind,' especially given the season) is to choose the end of the world as we know it, in favor of a world that has been dreamed of, prayed for, written about and spoken of ever since the day that Christ child was born to a lowly carpenter and a peasant girl, out under the stars above Bethlehem that glorious night 2,013 years ago. I choose Now! I choose Him, God's gift to us! His message. His Faith. His Vision. His Word. His promise of, "a World without end." What do you choose?

God bless you all.  Merry Christmas!

Peace & Love,

            Copyright 2013. By David Patrick Wilson. All Rights Reserved.
Greetings from Willy Gilly Productions, our mission, build the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley. If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 

Thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.
Nan and David

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving cheer!

Thanksgiving cheer!

What do we have to cheer about? The end is near! Not the end of the world itself, but the end of the world as we know it.

What does that mean? Is it 'Armageddon,' as described in the Bible? Hell fire and brimstone, devastation, the Apocalypse? No, far from it. Think about it. What is the truth about the world as it has always been? What is the truth about the 'Human condition' that has tolerated the persistence of hunger, war, disease, poverty and greed for the past twelve milennia? The truth is, if those things ended tomorrow no one would miss them, except for maybe those who have always profited enormously from them.

'Never!' You say, 'War, Hunger, Poverty, Disease, Greed, Avarice, Lust have always been with us and will always be!' Even Jesus may have waxed a bit cynical when he stated, "For you will always have the poor with you, but you have me but for a short while longer!" [John 12:8; Matthew 26:11] Well then, if that's true for what did he come here? (We'll get back to that question in a bit.) As for the rest of you naysayers, my guess is that you must count yourselves among the aforementioned 'profiteers.' Hey, I'm just saying! Be that as it may, the overwhelming evidence is that, if you are one of those unfortunate many, your days are truly numbered. That number could even be as little as 666! Surprisingly, we know this because of one immutable, incontrovertible, irrevocable, scientific Law of the Universe. "ALL THINGS SEEK TO ACHIEVE A STATE OF CONSTANT EQUILIBRIUM."

We believe that that moment is rapidly approaching. It is literally, 'infinitely probable' within the immediately foreseeable future, if history is a remotely reliable indicator. And regardless of whom you may be or whoever may rewrite the book on past events, the facts are the facts.

FACT: The 'human saga' is estimated by anthropologists to be some 12,000 years old. By 'old' they mean according to dead men's bones and the carbon that dated them. By 'old' we mean that it's been the same old story for all of that time. Regardless of your particular affiliations, religious or otherwise, creationist or evolutionary, it has included all of those previously stated, extremely negative global influences from then until now.

FACT: Up until very recently (we're talking the last half century or so), we have been mostly incapable of handling any of them. But, that is no longer the case. Today, we can cure any disease, feed all of the people on the planet, live in Peace and Harmony, care for our environment, our parents, our children, provide opportunity for everyone to Prosper, handle virtually any adverse circumstance and come out the better for it. All of these things are absolutely true, right this very minute!

FACT: All we need is unconditional Love and the collective Will to choose the greatest version of the grandest vision that we can conceive of that includes that 'reality' in which to Live, as opposed to the one in which we currently exist. But above all, we must embody the Spirit to do what our Savior, Jesus Christ did. Namely, we must 'go about the world and do Good!'

If there is anything that is worthy of All of us giving our thanks this year, it is certainly that we can achieve that 'global equilibrium' for the first time ever. We can choose that on this very day. And, if in the next 12,000 years we find that Love, Peace, Prosperity, Generosity, Compassion and Kindness don't work, we can always go back to what we had yesterday, before we balanced, 'The Human Equation!'

'Nuff said!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Copyright 2013. By David Patrick Wilson. All Rights Reserved.

Greetings from Willy Gilly Productions, our mission, build the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley. If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 

Thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.
Nan and David

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving, a thankless 'non-holiday!?'

Thanksgiving, a thankless 'non-holiday!?'

Here we are again! It's 'that time of the year.' when the, 'Holiday Spirit' overtakes us all and we are filled with 'glad tidings' and 'good cheer' for our fellows everywhere. RIGHT?!!!

 Let's take a good, pragmatic, well-informed look at this perennial pariah, shall we?

First of all, tomorrow is not even a real 'holiday!' In the strictest sense of the word, 'holiday' is derived from the words, 'holy' and 'day!' No doubt conjoined by some sectarian marketing maven on Madison Avenue (or maybe even R.H. Macy himself), it has come to be a 'red tag' appellation for any opportunity to foist unneeded retail on the doe-eyed (and dough-eyed!) public, eagerly awaiting the chance to grossly consume anything at any time for any reason.

However, this one is particularly onerous in that it uses the single greatest event in recorded civilization (namely, the birth of 'Jesus the Christ') to wreak emotional havoc and financial devastation on millions here in the US every year. I don't know if you've noticed (how could anyone not), but 'Black Friday' mania now manifests the day after Halloween. (BTW: 'All Saints Day' is a bona fide 'holy day' that is not celebrated formally as such. Go figure!)

True, the Pilgrims were a persecuted Christian religious sect that sought refuge in the wilderness of the not-so-New World. (Native Americans were here for 10,000 years before WASPs drove them onto the reservation!) But, aside from saying a perfunctory prayer before diving into a gastronomic orgy, followed closely by a fit of shopping, there is very little, if anything spiritual about 'Turkey Day!' Heck, the fact is that most people now skip the invocation altogether and proceed directly to, what amounts to, a swan dive into the turkey, mashed potatoes and dressing! (Important reminder: Most US stores will open right after dinner tomorrow evening! Let the madness begin!)

What has happened to the homage paid to 'The Great Spirit' in the 'giving of thanks,' as it was when first celebrated here almost half a millennium ago? What have we done to the offering of gratitude to a benevolent God? We have slathered it in an ocean of oleo, piled on it mounds of bird flesh and biscuits, cranberries and quarterbacks, parades, pageants and sales with stampedes to the point of non-reconcilability.

And, what of those who most resemble the early celebrants of this first American tradition (that's right the very first), the hungry, cold, downtrodden outcasts that to this day struggle for survival? Is there not even a mention of them, much less a prayer or a warm repast? And, who will stretch out a giving hand, besides the handful of true believers who find it better to serve than shop?  Who will offer a grateful word of thanks for their tireless compassion, unconditional Love and kindness?

I will. Won't you join me? It doesn't take much. You don't even have to give up anything. Keep your cranberries and your car keys for the spree. Keep the gravy stains on your team jersey, too! But, please, keep a small place and a grateful prayer of 'thanks' in your heart and soul for all that you have, those sick and suffering who have not and those serving in any way, anywhere for anybody who ever believed in the Peoples' dream that became this 'Great Experiment.'

Most of all remember, 'In God We Trust!' He shall guide us through every trial, every challenge, in every age, everyday. He will prevail, just as He did then for those humble few dozen (53 Pilgrims) and their red-skinned hosts (90 Wampanoags) on the fourth Thursday of November in the year of our Lord, 1621. May He continue to bless us All.

Copyright 2013. By David Patrick Wilson. All Rights Reserved

Greetings from Willy Gilly Productions, our mission, build the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley. If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 

Thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.
Nan and David

Friday, October 18, 2013

Better than 'Laurel & Hardy!' Better than 'Abbott & Costello!'

Better than 'Laurel & Hardy!' Better than 'Abbott & Costello!'

Sean & B.D.!!! "There's a possibility!"

We're talking about our acting clients and everybody that sees them is, too! Sean O'Brien and B.D. Anthony are two of the funniest you'll find anywhere. But, before you see them everywhere, you can catch them doing there stuff next month (Nov.) on the Discovery Channel featured in an episode of Animal Planet's hit show, "Monsters Inside.” We are forbidden by contract to say too much or show pictures, but these guys are priceless according the show's  producers. Leave it at, they go down to the river and play!

These two are great and fun to work with in front of the camera and on stage. But, they are a stitch to watch! They both also have roles in the Willy-Gilly Productions staging of the Donald Driver penned comedy revival, "Status Quo Vadis." Set to play early next year at SUNY OCCC for a couple of weekends, it will be heading off-Broadway for a run at a house TBN later, after that.

Trained by David Patrick Wilson at the Acting Anyone Academy, it is possible that they will pair again, this time to co-star in the coming-of-age flick (penned by DPW), "Shadow's Serenade," going in front of the lens sometime next Spring (2014). Sean will play a high school All-American QB in a football crazed town, B.D. Will play his best buddy and fellow footballer, whose life is changed forever by a freak accident. You will want to keep an eye out for that one and for these two over the next few seasons. We predict some very big things for each of them, singularly and as a team!

Willy Gilly Production's mission is to build the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley. If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 

And thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.


Nan and David

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oh!! What a Weekend !!! Day 2

Oh, what a weekend! Day 2

After a thoroughly empowering awards breakfast in good old 'Tom Bull' park on Friday, the Willy-Gilly duo hit out to Chester on Saturday morning for  a monthly 'satnam' celebration of Life  with our beloved friends at the ashram. Joining Raj and Ama "G" and all of the beautiful People there for Prayer, Meditation, Poetry, Song and the teachings of Ama on 'God consciousness,' we were treated to some of the best Indian food on this side of the planet.

If you love Indian food, you had better check out this place!

235 E.  Main St.
Middletown, NY 10940


The food is outrageous at any price! The prices are ridiculous! (It's a good thing!)

(SORRY! I mistakenly identified the caterers at 'AAOJEE' as 'Saffron!' Saying that they were 'Arjuna's favorite restaurant!'  Without question, it is a great restaurant! But, I have now been told that, while the Deity may dine at Saffron, he gets his take out from 'Aaojee!' €8-.0)

ANYWAY! They catered the lunch after the services at the ashram in Chester last Saturday and the food was from Heaven! What a blessing! EVERYTHING IS OUT OF THIS WORLD! I MEAN EVERYTHING!

After lifting our collective Spirit and over-filling our sagging tummies in the morning, we headed for Banana's Comedy Club on Rte. 9 in Poughkeepsie, NY to try and laugh it off at the Finals of the "Funniest Comic of Hudson Valley" competition. Acting Anyone's own (and his families favorite son) Anthony Terrebile, barely in high school and already a 'pro,' blew away the field, which had been narrowed over the summer months by an intense process that included such incredible challenges as, telling a joke while standing on your head, eating a salami sandwich and speaking Chinese! JUST KIDDING!

CONGRATULATIONS WILD BOY! Keep this up and you will be a 'wild man' in a matter of a few short years! You deserved it! You've worked hard and smart and nobody can take that away from you. It's a real treat to see you working a room. I'd lose the garter belt though, it clashes with the heels! Oh, that wasn't you?! My mistake, that was the blonde you left in the dust! SORRY, BLONDIE! (She could have taken you, but I heard the dog ate her cheat sheet!)

Keep it up, buddy!  You 'll have me farting through silk in no time! €8-.D

Last note: Kevin Lee nailed down the 'pro' slot with some of the bet stuff I've seen in a long while!  (BTW: Kev, I just found out that hurricane, 'Shawnecqua' is next up on the NOAA list, it's 1000 miles off of Miami and the locals are already on the roads out of town! You nailed it!)

Greetings from Willy Gilly Productions, our mission, build the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley. If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 

Thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.
Nan and David

Monday, October 7, 2013

Oh!!! What a Weekend!!!

Let's start with Friday 10/4/13. It was a red letter day for Willy-Gilly Productions and our IT specialist, Connor Harrison.  At the OSCEAN (Orange/Sullivan Employment Alliance Network) annual breakfast event, he received an award for his extraordinary contribution to the organization. They had been attempting to get a website up for years and Connor provided them with the much needed portal.  We also received a certificate of acknowledgment for working with Connor, but the day clearly belonged to him, along with many other businesses and individuals in the Hudson Valley for their work with the developmentally challenged and those battling mental illness.

Connor, who has struggled with mental illness for the better part of the last decade, has been working with Willy-Gilly for the past three (3) years, handling all of our web development. In that time he has made tremendous strides in overcoming his previously crippling bout with chronic paranoia. When he came to us he could not enter a room in which there were people he did not know. On Friday morning in beautiful Graham M. Skea Recreational Center at Thomas Bull Memorial Park in Montgomery, NY, he addressed the entire body of breakfast attendees (approx. 300) at the awards event.

Following an inspiring and powerful keynote speech by Michelle Benjamin, CEO and founder of Benjamin Enterprises (and, coincidentally, his prior employer) Connor stood and delivered one of the most sincere and humbling speeches we have ever heard.  As an advocate for the mentally challenged, after acknowledging us, his Mom and the health care professionals at OSCEAN he gave God center stage in his recovery and was treated to a standing ovation by the distinguished body of business, healthcare and political professionals as a result. IT WAS ALTOGETHER OUTSTANDING!

OSCEAN does amazing work in placing the physically handicapped, mentally challenged and learning impaired in jobs with companies all over the state, Hudson Valley and New England region. Working with companies locally like, Benjamin Enterprises, Price Choppers, Wal-Mart, Crystal Run, Walgreen's, Chili's, Best Buy and Mighty M Gaming & Raceway, they provide the connection and manage the placement of their especially gifted, 'special needs' workers. They do FANTASTIC WORK and we at WGP are proud and delighted to work with them and their charges. We look forward to a growing commitment to OSCEAN over the years to come. We congratulate all of the recipients of their awards and we want to tell the world how proud we are of Connor Harrison and how much we love him. We invite everyone to join us and say, "ALL HAIL CON-NOR!"

Willy Gilly Production's mission is to build the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley. If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 

And thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.


Nan and David

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Acting Anyone Academy Presents the Actors Playing Ensemble

Acting Anyone Academy Presents the Actors Playing Ensemble

The principals of Willy-Gilly Productions, seeing the opportunity to develop a new industry for the region have created a program for training actors and technicians to fill positions that will be more and more critical to the entertainment industry. By developing local talent of all ages, backgrounds and ethnicities we believe that we can create a sustainable economic force for the future.

Due to the diversity in hiring requirements for qualification under the tax credit system in New York, it is incumbent on employers in the industry to hire across a broad range of well-qualified, well-trained individuals.  Acting Anyone and the "Actors Playing Ensemble" provide a platform for men, women, seniors, and the developmentally challenged to acquire skills that can lead to careers in this constantly expanding industry.  According to best selling author, Dr. James B. Huntington (PhD) in his book, "Choosing a Lasting Career," his criteria for jobs development and career opportunities over the next 20 years puts employment in film, television and stage among the highest ranked.  His evaluation includes acting, writing, editing, videography and production at all skill levels.

It is the purpose of Acting Anyone and APE to showcase local talent and expertise through all of their projects, which are chosen and produced specifically to maximize opportunities for that purpose.  We are currently being sponsored by Fractured Atlas (
https://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/fiscal/profile?id=4686) to obtain 501c3 status. It is our intention to engage local individuals, businesses, agencies and civic organizations in sponsoring these productions, one of which will be staged at SUNY-Orange County Community College, beginning the weekend of October 11 and completing on the following weekend (10/18-20). They are all relevant to the community and the issues of them, while showcasing local craft.

"Status Quo Vadis", a two act 'dramedy' by Donald Driver. It deals with social class struggles, set in a contemporary corporate culture. It has a cast of 15 and a crew of 8-10, who are  predominantly, amateurs seeking to show their skills, transition into the professional ranks and enhance their ability to find work in America's #1 growth industry. The developing talent includes men and women, young and old of all ethnicities, as well as 'specially gifted,' developmentally challenged individuals.  They are people who have had other careers looking for a change, people who have had an 'unrealized dream' (which they are now living), young people looking for their future (which they will soon be able to sustain right here), and those with 'special needs,' all looking for the optimum opportunity to show their God-given abilities.

 (In fact, two of our 'special needs' actors were prominently featured, recently in a true story reenactment for Animal Planet's "Monsters Inside of Me," which will be aired later this year.)

Moreover, during the past four years Acting Anyone and its parent company Willy-Gilly Productions have championed the establishment of the film and television industry in Orange County.  They have been a vital force in creating the conversation which has led to the establishment of film offices in both the City of Newburgh and Orange County at large for the purpose of promoting the area to the greater industry.  Due to the focus that they have drawn to the region, there are many new opportunities for film makers to both produce, distribute and exhibit their work, here.

In conclusion, Acting Anyone has trained dozens of new performers over the past two years and will continue to do so.  It has provided internships and paid positions for many behind the scenes, as well.  We look forward to working with many more individuals and businesses within the community to expand the growth of entertainment throughout Orange County and New York State.

Finally, we are looking to create a model for communities throughout the US that will open doors to many who have previously not had access to such training and the incentives that come with it. With the success of our new model, we will soon begin to export the talent that has been developed locally to work globally. American economics may not be what they once were, but neither our entertainment expertise and abilities, nor the products, goods and services that spring from them have ever been in greater demand. We look forward to a better day and a better way through developing this program.

For more information, please go online, visit and contact us at
www.actinganyone.com. You may also reach us at our offices by calling (845) 294-7500 or by writing or stopping by at 222 Greenwich Avenue, Goshen, NY 10924.

For Tickets to “Status Quo Vadis” by Donald Driver and Sponsorship Opportunities please go to:


Thank you.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ten days after, it's a double shot of TEN YEARS AFTER!

Ten days after.... it's a double shot of
TEN YEARS AFTER! Last night at the Iridium Room on Broadway in Manhattan, my beautiful wife/partner, Nan and I, celebrated four (4) years of Willy-Gilly Productions, Inc. (founded 8/17/09) by seeing  our new favorite (and the best ever 'Live') band inducted into the New York Blues Hall of Fame! WHAT A NIGHT! It was just a week ago that we experienced the greatest single 'Live' performance that this music maniac has ever seen at Infinity Hall in Norfolk, CT. I thought it would be impossible to top that wild ride, but last night I saw and heard things that just defy description. God bless, Alvin Lee! Beyond a shadow of a doubt, he is walking in the Pantheon of players, stroking some of the meanest riffs ever to fly from the frets of a Fender (or a Gibson or Martin, for that matter). But, last night, I could swear I saw Joe Gooch grow a second pair of hands to play runs that can't be played by mere mortals! His fingers moved so fast that it looked like they weren't moving at all, without dropping a beat! I've been looking at all the live footage of Ten Years After that I could find and there are some things that are blatantly obvious, Alvin Lee was an Original! A Guitar genius! A Master musician! A Great creative force! His work and craft will stand forever. He will never be forgotten. But, as God is my witness, I tell you this: Joe Gooch could cut heads with him any day of the week and come out on top EVERY TIME! If you missed Alvin in the band, too bad! He ain't coming back! But, if you call yourself a guitar fan and you don't catch this 'guitar man' in this original unit (w. Leo, Chick and Ric) soon, you will have missed one of the greatest blues/rock experiences, EVER! HE IS AND THEY ARE THAT GOOD... AND GETTING BETTER EVERY DAY!!! The next place I'll be looking to catch their act is at 'The Garden' when they come back next Spring! YOU BETTER BE THERE! For now, it's thanks for the memories of this 'mini-tour', from a new 'True believer'! TEN YEARS AFTER, FOREVER! €8-.O

Willy Gilly Production's mission is to build the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley. If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form.
And thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.
Nan and David

 Nan Gill-Wilson and Joe Gooch, Lead Guitarist for "Ten Years After"


Friday, August 23, 2013

"Ten Years After...And Then Some"

I just saw the greatest LIVE Rock'n'Roll set (90 mins.) that I have ever seen! In a small venue (Infinity Hall in Norfolk, CT, well-known to all true rock fans), after driving for two hours, I witnessed the band, '10 YEARS AFTER' (with Joe Gooch fronting) levitate an entire building and all of its patrons. Not only did they levitate, they were launched into orbit by four of the best musicians on this planet. I first saw the band at Woodstock in '69. (They played late on Sunday night, early Monday morning before Hendrix immortal set.) Alvin Lee and 'the boys' did their thing and it was fine. I saw them again at the 25th Woodstock reunion concert in '94 and they still had it. But, truthfully, I was never a 'real fan.'

Last night, in a quaint, historic, rock jewel of a venue, I saw the greatest single performance by a four man unit that I have ever experienced. SKIP THAT! THE GREATEST SET EVER!!! I have been in the entertainment business for over four decades. I have seen every great band live (except the Beatles). I saw Springsteen before he was SPRINGSTEEN at Max's KC. Hell, I was a backstage rat at the Fillmore East. I saw The Doors, Allman Brother's, The Stones, Cream, Airplane/Starship, Hendrix' Joplin, Dylan, The Dead, CSNY... all of them. I've seen more festivals (I WAS AT WOODSTOCK!) and amphitheaters than you can shake a stick at featuring hundreds of bands and thousands of hours of music! Good golly, Miss Molly! I saw 'The King,' 'Killer' and Little Richard, too!  BUT, as God is my witness, last night I saw and heard rock'n'roll heaven on earth. THEY WERE THE MUSIC! My only question is, "WHY AREN'T THESE GUYS IN THE HALL OF FAME?! No offense Alvin, but you can surely rest in peace knowing that you have turned over the front to one of greatest guitarists I've ever seen and I've seen them all, Clapton, Page, BB, Walsh, Winter, Jorma, Santana, you name them, I've seen them! Joe Gooch is AMAZING! If you ever get a chance to see this band live, DON'T BLOW IT!  Or, at least pick up a copy of, "Roadworks LIVE!"

(INSIDER HOT TIP: They are playing their last U.S. gig on this tour Monday, 8/25 at the Iridium Room in Manhattan!)

LEO LYONS, RIC LEE, CHICK CHURCHILL AND JOE GOOCH ARE THE BEST THERE IS! (And, maybe ever was!) TEN YEARS AFTER... FOREVER!!! Check them out at www.tenyearsafternow.com

'Nuff said! €8-.0
Greetings from Willy Gilly Productions, our mission, build the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley. If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form.

Thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.

Nan and David


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"What's My Line?"

What's My Line?

In this case it refers to which cable conglomerate controls the free flow of information in your area. What happened to the free market and free enterprise in the telecomm industry?

We live in an era where more and more opportunities for open communication are available -- this blog is proof! But the control over how you disseminate those communications is increasingly manipulated by a select few (the cable oligarchy) who dictate quality, quantity and pricing!  The constant consolidation in the telecomm industry has once again led us into an era in which we must first ask what a monopoly is, and secondly, who is watching the watchers?

How is possible in this day and age 100 years after The Muckraker was published, we can be mired in a morass of price-fixing, regionalism and corporate dominance? As much as we believe that there are no political solutions, I am quite clear about the complicity of authorities who, while supposedly serving the public, act as facilitators of abusive business practices. Perhaps this is due to the trade-offs between corporate and government entities that allow free access to our communications by our leaders and the robber barons who gouge consumers at will, while providing this information!

Once again, we the people are being slammed between two leviathans bent on controlling our every move. The hideous truth is that they are condemning us to a world in which we have to say what they want to hear, and to add insult to injury must pay a king's ransom to say it!

So what are we advocating? We believe each individual in the land of the free stand up and speak out on what form may be available against the tyranny of these all-too-real weapons of mass distraction!

Willy Gilly Production's mission is to build the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley. If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 

And thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.


Nan and David

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"The Heat Is On!"

"The Heat Is On!"

Lyrics from the inimitable and immortal Glen Frey, but oh so true during these 'dog days!'

Last weekend was hot, very hot... in fact, the only thing that was hotter were the performances of "Status Quo Vadis" at the First Presbyterian Church in Goshen! Venue not withstanding (it was like working inside a brick oven while Sara Lee was baking),  fifteen of the most talented, dedicated and courageous performers we've ever seen, beat the heat and delivered an outstanding show. The hardy and overheated crowds loved the play and the players all the way around!

From top to bottom, we want to acknowledge every single performer who gave every ounce of their (stage) blood, sweat (lots!) and (alligator) tears to deliver the goods! Goshen local product Jennie Pines did an outstanding job as "Irene", the female lead. (This actress is going places!) Likewise, Suffern's own Ryan Paige (a first-timer) stepped out of the cold and into the heat... in a very cool way as the poet/protagonist, 'Horace Elgin'.  Erica Bahr, as the red hot 'Joyce Grishaw,' smoked the stage, along with her sidekick, 'Barbra' ( played to a tee by newcomer Goshen-ite, Jennifer Kirk), nearly stealing the show with sexy, savvy and baudy portrayals! And, we may have unleashed the next, 'Abbott &Costello' in the forms of Sean O'Brien and B.D. Anthony. THESE GUYS ARE A RIOT as holemakers, 'Reineke' and 'Laporski'! Constance Wehmeyer as 'Sara' played a perfect match for Ken Butler's loopy 'Rev. Dr. Purdy.' Actor/designer David Benedict, laid it all on the line as the factory foreman, 'Mr. Gramerky.'

The whole show is filled with laughs, more than a few provided by our very own, Nan Gill-Wilson (another 'first timer'). She brought down the house as 'Mrs. Elgin,' a woman with a heart of gold and a tongue like a bull whip, which she uses to punish 'Don Walgren,' the slime-ball of a corporate lackey, played to the hilt by Andrew Parsons (some of you may remember him as,'Tommy Bolton' in "Collar!") And, then there was this one, obviously schizophrenic fellow (David Patrick Wilson) who tore up the stage as an 'unholy Trinity' of characters ('Mr. Elgin,' 'Prof. Max Russel' and 'Father Mithais'). WARNING!: Having three names may have side effects. He also co-produced and directed this timely, contemporary 'dramedy.'  The 'on stage' talent was rounded out by Cassidy 'Cassie' Teresi (a young 'hottie' definitely going places in her own right.)

It was all held together and kept moving by a team of crack professionals. (Or, was that professionals on crack?! JUST KIDDING!) Behind the scenes support was headed by stage manager/understudy ('Barbara/Joyce') extraordinaire, Lisa Pearl (Brodsky?) with Samantha Hanson, Colin Maguire and Luke Segota on lights. The amazing sound is engineered by the 'master blaster,' Fred Mulharin. Wardrobe, hair and make-up were expertly managed by Monique Tranchina and Theresa Teresi.

All our thanks to all for a really great show! Thanks also to Goshen FPC for providing us the space to bake this tasty treat!

And now... its time to take "SQV" on the road! We are looking at every venue in the 5 state area (NY, PA, NJ, MA, CT) and beyond! The production is complete; we can pack it up and move it in a day! If you've got the place, we've got the players and the play! As 'hot' as this production is, we guarantee you can't get burned! Keep your eyes peeled for the next performance of this minor masterpiece by this zany troupe of performing zealots known as, The Actors Playing Ensemble. You never know what may evolve from the A.P.E.!

Meanwhile, on the "Collar" front...we'd like to "congratulate" the Florida legal system for showing their true colors (as it were) in handing down the decision on the Trayvon Martin case. In our opinion, it's a miscarriage of justice...but then again, 'TJ Williams,' even though a fictitious cop, walked on a similar charge in our film... which will soon be seen (after much trial and tribulation) in the form of a new cable/subscription/PPV -TV series!

It all starts with a story similar to the Martin case, but will follow the exploits of the unconventional 'TJ' as he navigates the treacherous waters beyond retirement! Although, he will remain a consultant for the Grossman PD, his adventures will take him far afield!  The first two hour-long episodes will fall under the title of "The Race"; the next two installments come under the heading of "The Mayan"' where 'TJ' takes a security job at a mega-sports and gun shop. The first six episodes will be distributed later this year... keep your eyeballs peeled to a channel near you!

Meanwhile, we continue to await funding on our six-picture slate, that will include "The Craven", "Shadow's Serenade" and "Nude Beach" (bring the family!) and others. We expect to be in production in short order; but if it stays *this* hot, we may take a summer vacation ourselves! (We hear the Canadian tax credits are pretty good...!)

Willy Gilly Production's mission is to build live stage production and the  Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley.  Our goal is provide a vehicle for local talent to assist them developing their gifts and in living their dreams.  If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 

And thank you for you interest in and support local artists in Orange County.


Nan and David

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Indepenent's Day

Independent's Day!

Here we are, another Fourth of July! And it's hotter than... how perfect! As we prepare for this coming holiday... a Great American one, here in Goshen... we wish all a Happy Fourth! We also want to remind everyone that it's not all that easy to be "independent"! To quote another great American (George Washington himself) facing the British in the summer of 1776, "the challenges are mounting daily, and the resources to wage the good fight remain scarce.” Some things never change!

These times are character builders, and boy, do we have a cast of characters! As we prepare a reshuffled company to present "Status Quo Vadis" from the12th to the 14th of July at the Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall in Goshen. The new cast includes local favorite Jennie Pines ("Irene"), a Goshen High School graduate...and as luck may have it, we may be doing our final three performances (July 19-21) on that stage where the lovely Miss Pines was first bitten by the theatre bug!

Joining her is first-timer, Ryan Paige ("Horace"), who brings a savvy edge to the character. But you definitely don't want to Miss Erika Bahr ("Joyce"), an NFA graduate, who lights up the stage with her own brand of fireworks! Nan Gill-Wilson and hubby David Patrick Wilson are set to play 'Mr. and Mrs. Elgin,' a real fun couple. Come out and enjoy the entire cast and crew, Constance Wehmeyer, B.D. Anthony, Sean O'Brien, Jennifer Kirk and Andrew Parsons (of "Collar” fame!) and more!

Tickets are just ten dollars ($10) and performances will be: Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 2pm. For more information and reservations call: 
845/294-8444 or go to www.actinganyone.com

Meanwhile, it's amazing how eighteen months can radically alter the landscape of justice in this country. It seems as though it gets harder and harder to get the truth out of the legal system. (Maybe that's why so many lawyers become politicians...just kidding!) When Trayvon Martin lost his life in February 2012, it seemed pretty clear that one man was responsible.  As time drags on, though, the stories change. Such is life in the big, bad gated community! It all sounds a bit too familiar to us at Willy-Gilly; in fact, it's amazing how closely these issues mesh with the ones in "Collar". Oh, well...as they say, truth is stranger (and sadder) than fiction!

But, back to the Great American Weekend, Willy-Gilly will be there! We'll be working with Goshen Rotary, first at race day registration for the GAW 10K, then at the food concession (come by and grab a burger) and at the book fair for St. James Episcopal Church! It all happens this Saturday, July 6th! It'll be a hot weekend, in more ways than one!

Willy Gilly Production's mission is to build live stage production and the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley.  Our goal is provide a vehicle for local talent to assist them developing their gifts and in living their dreams.  If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form.

And thank you for you interest in and support local artists in Orange County.

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Wheel Keeps Turning!

The Wheel Keeps Turning!

Our congratulations go out today to Doris Obremski, on completing her year as president of Goshen Rotary. Under her watch, Doris managed a 20% increase in membership and an expanded presence in local events, including the Florida Family Fun Day, the Great American Weekend 10K run, and the first annual Hambletonian Marathon, coming in October.

Goshen Rotary is a great organization doing great work in the community, providing funding for select projects, scholarships and event support, year after year! Speaking of the upcoming GAW 10K, there are now 300 advance registrations, with ten days still to go! You can, of course, register at the event itself, which starts from Cateract Firehouse on Green Street on July 6th at 6 am!

And now...with the current heat wave, and the necessity of replacing several cast members, we will be suspending this weekend's performances of "Status Quo Vadis "; however, we will be back on stage from July 12th through the 14th! We trust that we will have resolved our comfort challenges, either by much-needed air conditioning to the FPC Fellowship Hall, or we will be announcing a change of venue forthwith. Regardless, health and comfort are primary considerations in presenting our entertainment.  The  overall response to our preview was unanimously  positive, but for the extreme heat, due to a lack of air conditioning.

We are welcoming a number of new cast members and we are very excited about them, including Ryan Paige (Suffern, NY), playing 'Horace;' and Goshen girl Jennie Pines , who will step int the role of 'Irene.' Also, Ken Butler (Acting Anyone Academy's first graduate!) has been tapped for the role of 'Rev. Jack Purdy.' Nan Gill-Wilson will be debuting as, 'Mrs. Elgin,' opposite her husband David Patrick Wilson, who will assume three roles: 'Mr. Elgin,' 'Father Mithias' and 'Prof. Russell.' Andrew Parsons (who played 'Tommy Bolton' in "Collar") has joined the cast as 'Mr. Walgren.'

All in all, the producers are extremely happy with the new additions, and look forward to bringing the entire new cast together this weekend to put the finishing touches on a really funny play! We trust we will see you all in the coming weeks!

Meanwhile, "Collar" is going to strip! The new plan is to cut the two-hour feature into a one-hour pilot and  a first episode, to be joined by four additional episodes and aired on cable this fall (network TBA). However, keep your eyes open for local theatrical showings of the original feature film in theaters throughout the summer and autumn!

"Collar: The Series" will focus on the now-retired TJ Williams as he navigates the unsettled waters of the recently idle, trying his hand at security and PI work, but still closely connected to the Grossman PD! We are very interested in knowing what you think, and we will be sponsoring contests and sweepstakes over the next several months while we interact with all of those who know about the film, and have ideas where we could be going with it. Welcome to interactive TV dramedy!

By the way, has anybody been following the proceedings in the Zimmerman trial? You remember...the Trayvon Martin shooting that shocked the nation! We'd like to know what you think of that case, too!

In the meantime, stay cool, drink plenty of water, and stay tuned to Willy-Gilly...the only thing hotter than the weather...!

Willy Gilly Production's mission is to build live stage production and the  Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley.  Our goal is provide a vehicle for local talent to assist them developing their gifts and in living their dreams.  If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form.

And thank you for you interest in and support local artists in Orange County.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Launch $tatu$: T Minus 3 Days and Counting!

Launch $tatu$: T minus 3 days and counting!

For this summer's liftoff, a comedy that will surely launch you into another dimension! Status Quo Vadis was first produced in  Chicago in 1971, and was the beginning of David Patrick Wilson's acting career. It opened to rave reviews and played to packed houses; for nine months, the play sold out 288 consecutive performances and closed in the Windy City with a six-month waiting time!

However, the producers (in their infinite wisdom)  sought to change personnel, and when they did, they killed the ca$h cow. It opened -- and closed -- in New York in one night. Even so, the play itself has survived the Dark Ages, and is about to re-emerge in preview at the First Presbyterian Church in Goshen, NY this Friday night!

A timeless piece, it examines the American caste system, (and if you don't think we have one, look again!) A story of sex, ambition, and lust for power set against a corporate backdrop that explores the exploitation of the Have-Nots by the Haves! Whichever one you may be, you won't want to miss this! It'll make you laugh out loud...then make you wonder just what the heck you're laughing at!

Tickets are just ten dollars, and they can be purchased online at www.actinganyone.com , by calling 845.294.8444, or they can be bought at the door! The cast is all local talent, from here in the Hudson Valley region, and mostly trained in the Meisner Method at Acting Anyone Academy, under the direction of David Patrick Wilson. The curtain rises at eight o'clock on Friday for the first of just nine performances! All seats are first come, first served!

Half of the net proceeds will go to the First Presbyterian Church in Goshen to support their work.

Willy Gilly Production's mission is to build live stage production and the  Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley.  Our goal is provide a vehicle for local talent to assist them developing their gifts and in living their dreams.  If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 

And thank you for you interest in and support local artists in Orange County.


Nan and David



Friday, May 31, 2013

“$tatu$ Quo Vadi$”

“$tatu$ Quo Vadi$” 

 “Everything stays the same…wherever you go!”

Time to shake your winter blahs and escape the spring madness (playoffs, exams, graduations, weddings) and join the fun starting on June 21st for 9 performances of one of the funniest plays you will ever see.

“$tatu$ Quo Vadi$”, a timeless and timely piece written by the late Donald Driver, remains a comedic monument to the tragic truth about the social strata in American Society. (If you don’t think we have a “class” system, you are dreaming!)

Wake up and smell the roses before the long hot summer settles in.


First Presbyterian Church in Goshen, NY   Tickets are only $10. 

June 21-23, June 28-30 and July 12-14.

Produced by Nan Gill-Wilson, directed by David Patrick Wilson, the local cast includes Ken Krause, Angela Rosier, Erika Bahr, Adam Seeley, Beki Brindle-Scala, Jennifer Kirk, Brett Anthony, Sean O’Brien, Antonio Rotundo, Connie Wehmeyer, Jon Stein, David Benedict and yours truly, David Wilson. 

Come and join us, we promise you will have a roaring good time. 

It’s time for an attitude adjustment!
Tickets can be purchased on line at:

Like us on Facebook!
***Willy-Gilly Productions, our mission is to build the Independent film and television industry and to create a world that works better for everyone through entertainment. 
If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring Has Sprung!!

Spring has Sprung!

The days are warming up and so is production here in the Hudson Valley. We have seen a trickle over the last several weeks.  Get ready for the flood.  If you are not an actor by now, you ought to be. To do that you need tools!  Tools and skills, people!

We are talking about the kind that turn a Dream into a Reality! They can turn a desert into a paradise! They can turn your life from something you never wanted into something you never imagined it could be!  But, what good is a hammer if you don’t know how to swing it, or what to hit when you do?

Here at Acting Anyone Academy, we not only have the finest actor's tools you will find anywhere (The Meisner Method), we have a proven track record! David Patrick Wilson has a long history filled with successes on stage and screen (both big and small) as an actor, writer, director, producer... and more!

It is never too late start! You are never 'too old' to use these tools and skills. What's more... YOU NEVER HAVE TO RETIRE! Actors come in all shapes, sizes, genders, races, ages... and some are not even from this planet.

Whoever you are, if an actor is what you want to be, we are the people to whom you want to speak!

We will be holding classes throughout the spring and summer, even while we are in production (Status Quo Vadis, The Craven, Shadow Serenade, The Big Ride, A Hustler’s Life!) You should take advantage of this time, while we area awaiting our funding to clear! Once it does (it could be anytime now),  we will not have to time to be gathering players. We have to hit he field ready to play 'flat out!'

Feel free to jump into it anywhere.  Once you do, we are going to make sure that you know what you are doing.  Our commitment is to giving the best talent the best tools, because that is what it is going to take to recreate the world so it works better for everyone.  This means you!*


If you really want to see how it works, you don’t want to miss Status Quo Vadis opening June 21, 2013 at the Presbyterian Church in Goshen.  This is a hilarious comedy about the American class system.  It will offend just about everybody at a price that is affordable ($10.00 a ticket).   Get you tickets now. 


Spring Class schedules are as follows:



5:00 -6:30 pm Junior Meisner Master Class

7:30-9:00 pm  Adult Meisner Master Class


7:30-9:00 pm  Adult Meisner Level 1  (commences 5/14/13)


6:00-7:00 pm  Youth Meisner Level 1  (8-11yrs.)


6:00-7:00 pm  Youth Meisner Level 2  (8-11yrs.)

7:30-9:30 pm  Adult Meisner Level 2


10:00-11:30 am  Junior Meisner Level 1 (12-17yrs.)

12:00-1:30 am  Junior Meisner Level 2  (12-17yrs.)

(Classes are on-going and do not have to be taken consecutively.) 

Willy Gilly Production's mission is to build the Independent film and television industry in New York's Hudson Valley. If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 

And thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.


Nan and David

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Speaking of Marathons

Speaking of Marathons
            In deference to the recent events that have caused such pain and suffering to so many who attended the Boston Marathon this past Monday and for all of us who consider ourselves to be ‘safe’ in, “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” we offer our heartfelt prayers and blessings as comfort all in some small way.  However, we believe that there is a greater race that must be run. We call it, ‘The Human Race’ and every one of us is afoot in the field. 
Whether you are in the business of politics, of war, of medicine, of business, or our business; entertainment, we all have a stake in seeing that everyone has the opportunity to participate as equals and share in the rewards of winning this race.   By “winning,” we are not talking about one of us merely defeating another. We are talking about all of us achieving a small measure of greatness, by just being ‘Human’ and showing the best of that humanity to everyone.  The best of humanity comes from the experience of Loving, Forgiving and Accepting that which we do not necessarily understand, but which somehow touches all of us. 
We truly believe that there is no better place for us to live and do our work than here, in the U.S. of A.  To the rest of the world, who we are may not always be best represented by what we do.  I guess this is no news flash, "Not everyone loves America!"  But everybody does seem to love America's entertainment:  how we tell our stories of triumph over evil, victory over adversity, and love above all.  It is the best of what we have to offer to the world. 
Here at Willy-Gilly, we are committed to recreating this world… our world… “The World,” so that it, ‘works better for Everyone!’ Through our films, programs, plays, books, music and other works of those with whom we work, we can make a huge difference.  We will continue to carry on ‘the good fight,’ the fight of Faith in the belief that, "one nation under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all" shall prevail.  We invite our brothers and sisters everywhere to join us.  Stay tuned…

 ***Willy Gilly Productions, our mission, build the Independent film and television industry and to create a world that works better for everyone through entertainment.

If you'd like to continue receiving an occasional update about our films in production, acting and technical training, please sign up at our new website's contact form. 
Thank you for you interest in and support of Independent Film production.

Nan and David
