Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Midterm Erection

 Here we are… again. Standing in line to see which ‘party’ ends up with the bigger ‘stiffy’ going forward and who gets ‘stuffed’ by the illiterate electorate. Having now witnessed more than a few of these fiascos, I believe that I am imminently qualified to grouse at this whole process.

 It no longer seems to matter how resourceful,  ingenuitive and  efficient a candidate can be. It’s All about how much capital he/she can throw at the public to bury us in their “badinage of persiflage” (as my college ‘roomie,’ Robert Hoffman, so aptly put it during the ’68 debacle that delivered ‘Dick’ Nixon to our helm). According to the MSM, over $17 billion has been dumped on this deal. And Lord knows, they should know, being the primary recipient of this shameful windfall.

 They (MSM) have ginned the National polemic to a fevered pitch like barkers at the old Barnum & Bailey side show (remember, this is NOT YET the main attraction) that featured snakes and freaks. It was a different day, but by-in-large, the same fare.

 ‘Come one! Come All! Step right up!! Watch me pull a Nazi out of your ass! Or, perhaps you prefer a demagogue out of you Donkey?!’ Or how about, ‘Behold as I shoot down a high flying ‘old-school mule’ with an elephant gun, before he takes a giant $#/+ on our Economy! Or, my favorite: ‘Watch me parse that pumpkin and his ‘garbage patch kids’ with my eyes closed, upside down, while riding a pachyderm backwards!’ (But, watch where you’re PUTIN what’s left of the right!)

 Just think of the real value of all that high priced high jinx and then ask yourself, ‘Do I REALLY deserve this, or should I surrender my “right to choose” to that bombastic body of clowns running the “clown prince’s”same tired idiot’s con on us All.

 God bless us, All. God bless America. God save Ukraine. VOTE!


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 Modern CHINA’s ancient ‘KHAN’ game.

The Emperor Xi Jinping would like to have the World believe that he is “the People’s leader.’ But, he is a

gigantic fraud. He is nothing more than a slave to his Mongolian masters’ archetype, namely the great

‘Khans,’namely Genghis and KubLai. Authoritarian imperialists and brutal demagogues, they ruled with

‘iron fists,’ while spreading terror throughout the then, known World.

Judging by his most famous Genghis and Xi share an almost identical ambition and Joy..

“The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their

wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and


Make no mistake, ‘the Mongol horde’ is alive and well in Beijing. Xu sees himself as a benevolent

despot, but he is a sorry excuse for a Human being. His abuse of power as witnessed in his

soulless atrocities against his “enemies” is well chronicled. Christians, Quigur, Muslims and most

notably against the Falun Gong have all fallen prey to his plot to rule the modern World, a world

without Morality, Truth, Love or Compassion

Now, he has set his sights on the AMERICAS., plundering our waters, infiltrating our systems,

hacking our intelligence and robbing us of our Intellectual Property to aggrandize his horde, just Just

look at him. the very definition of a fat cat his corpulence only exceeded by his appetite and desire to

dominate subjugate or destroy he is the worst of what humanity has to offer to a universe that seems

to stand by and silently watch but one thing is for sure God is watching and payback is b*****!

Please watch these videos and learn more...




Tuesday, August 30, 2022

“Vice is nice, but… “

 “Vice is nice, but… “

I’m sure that most of you above the age of 12 know the rejoinder to that cute quip. It has been

with us for centuries. It is a seemingly harmless anecdote, but take it from me, it just happens

to be a lie of monumental proportions.

Our greatest resource is our youth and in a rapidly aging society, they are even more valued.

We must be ‘ en garde’ to protect these precious beings. They are under attack not only from

“The Evil One,” but from drug dealers, sexual predators, human traffickers and foreign entities

even family members bent on exploiting their innocence and naivete.

It is no wonder, with all that is bombarding them, drugs, porn, sex and violence become

seemingly viable outlets for the Fear, Frustration, Desolation and Anxiety. To whom will they

turn? In whom can they place their trust? With whom will they seek comfort? The answer,

more often than not is each other, especially in these “post COVID” times, when isolation and

loneliness has marked their intimate hours.

I am particularly concerned with young ‘GenZ’ families, whose children and their siblings are

approaching puberty and beyond. These are very vulnerable young bodies, loaded with raging

hormones, seeking comfort and confidence wherever it may be found, so that even the most

unspeakable acts and primal secrets will be kept silently between them.

While parents struggling with their own demons of how to raise a family responsibly, pay the

bills, navigate the workplace, handle their own loose desires, bad habits, substance abuse still

try toprovide an adequate education that will enable their offspring to cope with an unstable

future, at best. Without proper guidance, they (the kids) too often, seek greater solace in each


Lacking sufficient evidence from their elders that there is any real danger in so ‘educating

themselves’ or their siblings in the ways of the flesh, they embark on some rather daring,

tenuous and perilous adventures that may lead them down some very dark paths on the way to

adulthood. They (their burgeoning sexual desires) may ultimately be ones that they are unable

to contain, control or even comprehend, as the experiments become more profound and

complex. Many times, their initially ‘harmless explorations’ can result in the worst possible

outcomes, promiscuity, pregnancy, frustration, anger, violence (both self-inflicted and against

others), jealousy, mental illness and quite possibly, murder or suicide.

I know that this a somewhat bleak view of our current social and sociological circumstances,

but I implore all parents with children between the ages of 10 and 20 to be diligent and vigilant

checking for signs of abhorrent behavior in your children, their friends and others. And, as the

saying goes, “if you see something, say something.” There is counseling and treatment

available. If you are victimizing your own with your depraved and prurient pursuits, STOP

IMMEDIATELY! Seek out help in dealing with these issues in counseling, professionally, at

church, in school or privately, but DO NOT IGNORE the signs. You know them when you see

them. You will feel them in your gut. Don’t let your strange feelings make ‘stranger bedfellows’


Thursday, August 4, 2022

10 Years After wasn't just a band!

  Although I loved Alvin Lee, God rest his soul, it's also the time span since we premiered our first feature film, "Collar." Intended to awaken  awareness of the not-so-long dormant monster we know as 'Racism' like almost all socially conscious and controversial "entertainment," the commercial powers in Hollywood stuffed our product, hailed by one of their own as an "epic masterpiece," it will now re-emerge to show what might have been. 

Not long before Trayvon Martin, longer before Eric Garner, and years before George Floyd, our film revealed an awful truth about the woeful lack of respect displayed in the decades since by innumerable police organizations towards communities of color. We truly believe had the gatekeepers on the "Left Coast" been more conscientious and committed to the truths expressed in "Collar,", some of the above mentioned horrors endured by all of our communities would have been seriously altered, if not avoided altogether. 

We are re-releasing this film, not as a condemnation of those modern American nightmares but as a reminder of what we lose when we pay no heed to history's lessons and the underlying truths that propels them to the forefront. Unfortunately, "Collar" is not the first cautionary tale to be largely ignored by the powers that be, we can only hope and pray that in the future, voices such as ours on topics such as these will be heeded or at least noted.

You can go to our website to find out more of how you can own or rent a 10th Anniversary Director's Cut Edition copy of the film, half of all the proceeds of which will be committed to our 501c3 foundation, at aftspa.org. Part of our greater commitment to "Recreating, the World through Entertainment, so that it works better for Everyone," is to provide opportunities for individuals, young and old, with the desire to pursue a career in the 'greatest, most powerful industry on the planet' and the tools with which to craft extra-ordinary content into works of art bound for the commercial marketplace.

God Bless you all and keep you well in these strange times. See you in the movies. Peace & Love, DPW