Sunday, December 21, 2014

Today at WILLY-GILLY!: At Last! Congress finally does something GREAT!!!

Today at WILLY-GILLY!: At Last! Congress finally does something GREAT!!!: HOORAY!!! We just got really good news this morning! Congress finally approved the 181C deduction for Independent Films!!!  What doe...

At Last! Congress finally does something GREAT!!!

We just got really good news this morning!
Congress finally approved the 181C deduction for Independent Films!!!  What does that mean?  If you attended our November 20th event, "The Bigger Picture", you would know that it means potentially huge tax benefits for many Americans holding too much cash at the end of the year.   If you weren't there, NO WORRIES!  Here is the scoop!
Anyone who invests in Independent Film will receive a federal deduction up to 15M (with a 3-year loss carry forward)!  It is a win/win.  If you, your company or any of your associates needs a federal deduction before the end of the year, have them contact us immediately.  We have film packages designed just for you!
On top of the federal deduction, we will be shooting these films in New York State, which means an additional 30% rebate from the State for the "hard costs" of making the film AND changes in the accounting proceedures make it possible to receive your credits right away.
Not only can you get the deduction, you can get the rebate!
Now is the time.  Catch it before it runs out at midnight on 12/31/14

Note: This is not a solicitation to invest.  As always, with any such opportunity you should  consult a tax professional.