We've heard our politicians and civic leaders rattle on, ad infinitum, about how, 'There is no money for education, for social programs, for building restoration, for infrastructure, for new development, for ANYTHING EXCEPT GUNS AND AMMO! And, we've been given every excuse in the book and explanation as to why. "There are no jobs! The taxes are too high! We can't keep our young people here! Businesses are closing! The economy is not good! Washington has failed to support us! The barbarians are at the gates! We have to stop them over there before they bring their evil here! And on! And on! And on! Whatever happened to good old 'All-American backbone?' Has it been supplanted by, 'tight-ass, scared-ass, weak-ass, aging American jaw-bone?' Where are the Guts and Imagination that made this country the greatest on earth? Where is our Vision for a brighter tomorrow? Have those things gone the way of the dodo driven by Greed, Fear and gratuitously self-aggrandizing self-interest? You want to see a better world, stop whining about what you don't have and put your money, your mind and your spine where your mouth is! You want to leave this world a better place in which your children, grandchildren and heirs can live, grow and Prosper in Peace, then invest your All in the community (the World) in which you live, not because you're going to 'make a killing,' but because it's 'the right thing,' 'the smart thing,' and 'the prudent thing' to do! Stop throwing your money and support at lousy politicians and pumped up political campaigns that will NEVER 'serve you' because they're too busy 'serving themselves,' literally AT YOUR EXPENSE! (I ask you, given the rare exception, have you ever seen a politician who wasn't at least 20 lbs. overweight?!) They all seem to wear one suit when they're running FOR office and another (that is at least 2 sizes bigger) once they have been installed and are supposed to be RUNNING the office! Indeed, it seems that the run they're most interested in is the trot to the trough! And, God forbid, once there they should have to share their booty with any member of another stripe! Whatever happened to, "We the People?" To 'serving the common good?' To 'looking out for each other?' To standing for something more than the next (and no doubt bigger) seat you can occupy? What became of 'God and Country?' 'One for all and all for the One' in whom We trust? I tell you this, as sure as God is my Witness (and my ONLY Master), if we keep waiting for someone, ANYONE, else to fill our bucket, that bucket will continue to be filled with innocent blood! Not the Righteous Blood that saved me, but the endless sanguine river that flows from the corpses of our brethren, dispatched at the order of those whose Greed is matched only by their Evil intent to take for themselves ALL of that which the vast (and growing) majority has not! We are a Nation and a World of Good (not perfect) people with Great heart and a deep sense of compassion for each other's struggles. We in this country represent a small fraction of all those living on this earth. It is getting harder and harder to keep, 'the barbarians from the gates.' We must invest ALL of our resources in doing that which is the BEST thing for the MOST PEOPLE EVERYWHERE and not just those things that are designed to provide the greater advantage to fewer and fewer. WE MUST DO IT, NOW! One thing is for damn sure, the only ones getting any benefit out of others 'eating lead' are those who make that lead and the means by which it is served up. 'Nuff said! €8-.0